Friday 4 March
Sacred Heart Church, Courtmacsherry
at 8:00pm
I Know the Plans I Have For You
Jeremiah 29:1-14
This year it is the turn of the Sacred Heart Chuch, Courmacsherry to host the World Day of Prayer. The theme is based on the letter that the prophet Jeremiah wrote to the exiles in Babylonia. The exiles were suffering, uncertain, and had opposing views on what to do. Today, we come together to hear the stories of women who feel excluded, listen to the fear of a child refugee and learn to see the context of a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, and multi-faith society. For Jeremiah, God’s plan was clear, and we share this assurance by singing it.
The artwork above was created by Angie Fox using a combination of embroidery, appliqué and metalwork. It depicts key words such as, Freedom, represented as an open door to a pathway across an endless open vista; Justice, represented by broken chains; God’s Peace and Forgiveness, represented by the dove of peace and a peace lily breaking through the pavement.
Over all, a rainbow which has come to represent all these things from the story of Noah through to the modern day. It is a symbol of the overreaching love of God.
We are given a seed of hope to ponder where it needs to be planted in our lives and in our communities. Take this opportunity, to raise awareness on the needs of your community and offer the gifts of prayers and commitment. A seed, nourished by prayers of intercession and actions of love, bind us together around the world.