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The people of the diocese have been praying, listening and discerning as plans for the future of the diocese are needed.
In Sept 2024, Bishop Fintan Gavin announced the start of a period of time during which parishioners and clergy together would consider how the faith communities of the diocese will reorganise to answer the mission of the Lord in this time and place.
Meetings are now ongoing in each family of parishes across the diocese.
To date the Office for Mission and Ministry has completed three sessions in each of the Families of Parishes of:
Confirmation of pupils of Ardfield NS and Rathbarry NS on Friday 28 February
Confirmations took place at St. Michael's Church, Rathbarry. The sacrament was conferred by Mons Gearóid Dullea, Chancellor of the Diocese of Cork and Ross.
Also in attendance were Viola O'Donovan SNA, Fr. Tom Hayes, Co-PP, and teachers Clare Buckley, Ardfiled NS and Aoife Hourihane, Rathbarry NS.
The first week of March sees the first of a short series of meetings in our family of parishes
This includes members of the parish assemblies and parish finance committees from the six parishes.
Convened by the diocese, the first evening meeting on Tuesday 4 March will be about laying foundations for the future of our parishes and the faith community in this part of our diocese.
Please keep the meetings in your prayers.
You are welcome to this ecumenical service on
Friday 7 March 2025
St Moluada’s Church, Clogagh
at 8:00pm
I made you wonderful
Psalm 139:14
World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement inviting you to join in prayer and action for peace and justice.
In March every year over 170 countries join together in a common Day of Prayer. Throughout the year, we come closer in fellowship, understanding and action.

This year is a Holy Year, or a Jubilee Year (held every 25 years) and Pope Francis has declared 2025 the Jubilee Year of Hope
We are organising a Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome for four days (three nights) from Monday Sept 1st to Thursday Sept 4th.
The pilgrimage will include return flights from Cork, B&B accommodation at a central hotel in Rome, visits to the principal sacred sites in Rome, attendance at a Papal Audience (subject to the Pope’s itinerary), pilgrimage Masses and devotions along with time to visit various sites.
The pilgrimage will have limited numbers and a spiritual director.
Cost is €1,220 pps. Deposit is €350.
Further information and booking contact Karen at Barter’s Travelnet, Cork (021) 4851700
Recent days have seen the first groups of young people across the diocese receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation
Bishop Fintan conferred the sacrament on children from Clogagh and Timoleague National Schools on Tuesday Feb 11th in Timoleague’s Parish Church. He also confirmed the children at Barryroe the following day – and at Rosscarbery on Thursday 13th.
The ceremonies continue across the diocese until Friday April 4th. There are a number of ceremonies on most days in order to accommodate the number of candidates and their families.
Almost 3,000 candidates are being presented for the sacrament by their parents and schools.
These photos were kindly provided by Martin Walsh, photographer.
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