In Sept 2024, Bishop Fintan Gavin announced the start of a period of time during which parishioners and clergy together would consider how the faith communities of the diocese will reorganise to answer the mission of the Lord in this time and place.
Meetings are now ongoing in each family of parishes across the diocese.
To date the Office for Mission and Ministry has completed three sessions in each of the Families of Parishes of:
Confirmations took place at St. Michael's Church, Rathbarry. The sacrament was conferred by Mons Gearóid Dullea, Chancellor of the Diocese of Cork and Ross.
Also in attendance were Viola O'Donovan SNA, Fr. Tom Hayes, Co-PP, and teachers Clare Buckley, Ardfiled NS and Aoife Hourihane, Rathbarry NS.
This includes members of the parish assemblies and parish finance committees from the six parishes.
Convened by the diocese, the first evening meeting on Tuesday 4 March will be about laying foundations for the future of our parishes and the faith community in this part of our diocese.
Please keep the meetings in your prayers.
We are organising a Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome for four days (three nights) from Monday Sept 1st to Thursday Sept 4th.
The pilgrimage will include return flights from Cork, B&B accommodation at a central hotel in Rome, visits to the principal sacred sites in Rome, attendance at a Papal Audience (subject to the Pope’s itinerary), pilgrimage Masses and devotions along with time to visit various sites.
The pilgrimage will have limited numbers and a spiritual director.
Cost is €1,220 pps. Deposit is €350.
Further information and booking contact Karen at Barter’s Travelnet, Cork (021) 4851700
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