There are several places on the Family of Parishes website where content from your Parish would be most welcome
Any announcements or newsworthy items relevant to all the parishes would be most welcome in this section. So for example any events in Timoleague that are open to all or Barryroe has a new musical setting of the Mass. Any photos of people you send will of course need to have addressed the appropriate permissions.
This section of the website is new and the idea is to gradually add stories or a historical fact about any of the six parishes. Try to keep each article short and about one particular topic.
This is a place for videos for meditation, contemplation, prayer, worship and recharging the spirit. Send the link to the video. (e.g. YouTube or Vimeo)

And if your content is published it will be emailed to the people who have subscribed
Please check the information for your parish and send any updates or corrections